I vowed to never leave the house with this thought in my head.. "I will buy something to wear tonight".. Never again.
A supposed $50 purchased turned into a $140 one.. for 1 item.. Who the hell does this on a whim?? Apparently I've fallen right back into my old habits… I didn't even look at the tag when the guy rang it in.. I didn't look! I assumed it was $70.. And after my jaw almost hit the floor when he slipped out the amount, I still bought it!! I'm going crazy here!!
I had a wonderful night showing it off though… I've also made sure to wear it everyday this weekend.. Hopefully this guilty feeling will go away soon..
I had a wonderful night showing it off though… I've also made sure to wear it everyday this weekend.. Hopefully this guilty feeling will go away soon..
After having spent a total of 5 minutes in the mall and did the stupidest thing ever, I met up with a friend for our monthly sushi night extravaganza. Sushi night usually is a pretty expensive one. It is seriously worth it though.. When we eat sushi, we go at it hardcore. There is this crazy amazing Asian fusion place in the market (Ottawa) and they serve the craziest sushi concoctions. Our guilty pleasures? The Diablo and Kinki rolls.. so good. They also have a great 2-1 special "Happy" hour.
{diablo roll - once of our faves}
You pay $3 more than you would a normal roll however you get 2 of the same! Such an amazing deal! 4 rolls with a couple glasses of pino usually run around $30 each. We usually leave pretty satisfied with bellies full to the brim.We also hit up Fat Tuesdays for a few cocktails and had a late Disney Trivial Pursuit night… always a good time.
This weekend was also my darling's birthday celebration!

{yes, this cake was not a joke… yibbydee booo was really written on that piece of chocolate}
We also got to skype with our friends who are in Taiwan until the fall. We miss them to pieces.. It was really difficult getting a connection (which was really strange) every 5 minutes the thing would cut out and we'd have to call again.. So annoying.. I think the Mac has this weird Internet issue. Anyways, We finally got things rolling for over 45 minutes about an hour into the convo.. A little late, but it was really nice talking to them.. There were a lot of tears..

{friends gathering around the mac}
I'm sure they can’t wait to come home.
Sorry for the mess of a post.. It's been a hectic few weeks and I'm sure this has been boring…
Hopefully there will be interesting posts soon… promise.
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