Saturday, July 25, 2009

Too much rain = flooding!!

Yesterday turned into quite an eventful day!

The rain still hadn't let out and there were record volumes of rain dumped over the city. There is a former swamp land not too far from where we live. No matter what happens, there always seems to be huge flooding problems when it rains like this in the neighborhood. Thankfully we probably won't ever see it get this bad around our home. *knock on wood*

After the sun peaked out for a bit we decided to take a drive around to assess the damage...

This had just happened as we were driving by.. pretty scary if you ask me! Everybody got out of the car safely.. unfortunately, the car wasn't so lucky..

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mother nature.. please give us a break!!

So we haven't had the summer we've been hoping for yet... it's pretty much been like this on and off since May.. kinda gloomy right??

I'm seriously in need of some fancy rubber boots.. hmmm

(update Thursday PM) soooo apparently Rain is all we are going to be seeing for the next week.. Boy am I glad we don't have our summer theme park trip planned yet!! (but you know, a light drizzle wouldn't be too bad) You never know...

via the weather network

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mayor Naked Cowboy? Say it ain't so!!

{A friend and I trying to be zexy with the NCB}

So the big rumour today is the Naked Cowboy plans on running for Mayor of NYC in the next election! Seriously... He is a walking tourist attraction.. if you put a buck in his boots, he'll be happy to take a photo with you and whisper naughty things in your ear! (not kidding!) 

And you know what? He sure knows how to market himself.. The man makes more money busking in Times Square in a day than I make in 2 weeks working a 9-5 desk job, And EVERYBODY knows who this dude is...

If this turns out to be true.. I wish him all the best!! He is one hunky piece of meat!! ; )

Still not sure who this guy is, click here..

The story of a Duke, a Dom and their Rufus.

Before I met my better half, I was contemplating getting a pet. I wanted a companion so bad. But I wasn't sure how this would have really worked out at the time. I lived with 2 other girls and they didn't really care about anything else other than themselves. Looking back now, I'm very happy the puppy came much later.

After living with the better half for about a year and a bit, we finally looked in to getting a pet. We did personality assessments, researched many breeds and looked up many reviews and narrowed it down to 3.

1. Golden Doodle
2. Portuguese water dog
3. Wheaten Terrier

We decided to get a Wheaten terrier. We love the breed's personality traits and overall look. We didn't think this was going to be a high maintenance dog, but boy were we in for a surprise. There was the slight grooming factor we never really took seriously. But you know what? It isn't really an issue anymore. (save this for another post)

We called several local breeders and had not so good luck with them. The asking prices were well above what we could afford and there were also waiting lists for puppies that crept over a year of waiting. We didn't want to wait one year. We were dead set in getting a family pet by the fall. So the search went on until we found a website called "next day puppies"..

Ok, before I keep going with my little story, I know what you all are going to say… what the hell were you thinking?

Trust me when I say we did our homework. Buying locally would have cost us upwards to $1700 + vet bills.. And this would have guaranteed us a show dog and a certified pure breed stud (and to add insult to ingury.. a guaranteed crater sized hole in our budget). For one, we weren't ready to fork up that much money for a pet. And second of all, we didn't care about the show dog status.. All we wanted was a healthy pet we could spoil, love and call our own.

We narrowed it down to 3 breeders all located in the US that offered the breed for a more affordable price. We ended up interviewing all 3 breeders over the phone and asked for references before putting deposits down. I'm glad we did this, because 2 of the 3 did not rate very well overall. The people we called were all pleased with their dogs but something didn't seem right. The breeders were not registered and some of the vet documents were either missing or never provided (which apparently caused quite a raucous when it came time to vaccinate the pets).

The breeder we ended up picking, passed with flying colors. They gave us as many references as we wanted, most importantly from Canada which ended up being great for us! We were able to ask them questions about travel, paying duties on the dog when they crossed the border, what happens if the animal isn't in good health.. All the important stuff checked out. This put our minds at ease.. After a hilarious struggle with payment (which involved moving funds from 3 different accounts) we finally had a travel date set for our little guy.

Rufus in his crate at the airport

I remember being late picking him up from the airport in Syracuse, about a 3 hour drive from where we live. There was a little crate waiting behind the American airlines counter and we knew he was inside. The poor thing was covered in his little accidents and smelt reallllly bad, but we didn't care. He made it in 1 piece and in complete health. He was painfully shy the first time we took him out of his crate outside the airport. We held him like a little baby, and his little claws would come out and latch on to us every time a plane flew off the tarmac.. He kept trying to get back into his crate.. It was quite funny for me at the time, I had never really had a young pup like him before. Little did I know, the "fun stuff" was about to start.

More to come...

Monday, July 20, 2009

who knew?

the gazoo would make a comeback!!?? 

Friday, July 17, 2009


ohhhh I'm swooning over these fabulous prints by Gemini Studio Art... A few months ago, I found these prints on Etsy and loved them so much..

I think we're going to that to splurge and get this one for Rufus.. too cute to be true!!

The cardi.. revisited...

So after spending what seemed to be an eternity editing photos from the shoot we did Wednesday (have to keep this under wraps for now...) I decided to take a break and browse cyberland. Since I got my weekly notification from UO yesterday, I figured I'd take a gander around to see what was new..

and then I saw it...

not only was it still available.. it was an even better deal than it was before!!

I REALLY had to hold myself back from screaming out loud.. you see, the boy and I made a pact that we would clamp down on our spending for a little while to save up for future projects and a functioning fridge.. I'll be damned if that cardi disappears from the UO website.. but at 14.99? it's a steal!!!

what to do.. what to do...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why we {love} Rufus

Reason #103:

This Face.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Times Square..

I first set foot in Times Square when I was 15 years old. My first impression is still exactly the same impression I get when I visit to this day. There is a sense of wonder, and a feeling of excitement every time I set foot in this area. The novelty will most likely never wear off. There is so much to see and so much to do, you wouldn't really know where to start. If you've never been, don't worry. Soak it in.. It's always lots of fun.

Fun fact:
Did you know Times Square is the only neighbourhood with zoning ordinances requiring building owners to display illuminated signs?

The newest addition in Times Square are the ruby-red steps over top of the TKTS booth. A perfect place to kick back, have a snack, take in the sights while people watching. This accounted for hours of free entertainment when we needed to give the wallet a break.The streets are always crowded (day and night) and there is always something exciting going on whether it be during the day or late hours in the night.

Hamming it up on the TKTS steps..

Here are a few places we enjoyed the most..

As childish as it sounds, Toys "R" Us isn't just for kids. (in no way comparable to FAO Schwartz, it was still a highlight) It boasts a HUGE indoor Ferris wheel, several awesome themed areas (Candy Land, Barbie world) and a Lego section that would knock your socks off… Most importantly, it's a great place to use the restrooms (very clean!)

we checked.. all the pieces are glued together

If you have a habit of only eating red M&M's, you'll most likely appreciate this place… 2 floors of wall to wall M&M merch and color co-ordinated tubes filled with more M&M's than you can count.. oh my…

The Hershey store is basically the same concept as the M&M store… but get this..You can pay $5 to have your name appear on their billboard! (not too shabby!)

If you're looking for a laugh, catch new talent night at Caroline's on Broadway. A lot of their shows feature high profile comedians. But be prepared.. you usually have to buy your tickets weeks and sometimes months in advance.. but try your luck! you never know what will happen! Looking for both laughs and an adventure? make your way over to the HA! Dingy/ Seedy basement comedy at it's best.. (some guy told us Dot.Com from 30 Rock was performing… he lied.. We should have known) **please note, we only liked this place BECAUSE it was so awful.. if you're looking for an amazing comedy show, don't go here.

more to come...

Just our luck..

Old Betsy...

We haven't been having the best of weeks lately..

After doing one of the biggest loads of groceries we have ever done in the history of living in our house, our fridge kicked the bucket while we were away at the cottage. Over $350 in produce/meat/condiments, gone. Seriously, down in the dumps right now.

We were already thinking of getting rid of the appliances we had (which weren't that old to start with) to upgrade to stainless. But I think old Betsy got a feeling something was going on and bailed on us early as payback. We were looking at replacing them early next year. wonderful.

We had some money saved up for a few projects around the house.. but to our disappointment, they will have to wait. (unless we win the local lottery of course)

This brings us to the other dilemma. Where do we start? What do we do?

the dream fridge...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

playlist for a wednesday afternoon..

here goes...

The Vines - I'm only sleeping
Amos Lee - Love in the lies
The Cardigans - Carnival
Sly and the family stone - Everyday people
Luke Doucet - Brother
Mikey Wax - In case in go again
Ben Kweller - Lizzy
Stabilo - ? (yes this is the actually title of the song..)
Dido - Sand in my shoes
Bonnie Sommerville - Winding Road
Ryan Adams - Answering Bell
Ray Lamontagne - You are the best thing
G. Love - Hot Cookin'
Jason Mraz - Mudhouse Gyspy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Canada day teaser

We're off to the Cottage, unfortunately no Internet means no blogging. BUT we will be back Monday with a much better recap of Canada day..

Doesn't this look yummy??

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Once again, It's Canada Day!!

Bonjour mes amies, Canada day is upon us again! Last years festivities included a kick ass boochy ball tourney, a home run derby and a ball hockey competition. Hopefully all the fun can be had again this year.. unfortunately, we woke up to a little rain this morning.. so it's anybody's guess at this point.

What ever happens, it'll end up being kick ass I'm sure.
Expect a full recap tomorrow!