I'm not gonna lie to you, we were conned big when we bought the house. The first time we saw the house we were awe stricken. The hardwood and ceramic floors were just done and everything was shiny and brand new. (I get distracted by shiny things.. ) The red flag should have gone up when the guy selling the place told us his friend finished the ceramic himself. We should have looked really hard at the baseboards.. it would have been a dead give away. Grout eeeeeeeeeverywhere.
When the guy told us his friend installed the ceramic, he didn't tell us the tiles were installed over Linoleum flooring. Big nono. (we didn't bother to ask either.. so that was partly our fault). Fast forward 2 years.. the cracks are starting to show. Not only is it problematic in the kitchen there is tile located in the main entrance, powder room and landing leading to the basement; all on the main floor. Everything tiled over Linoleum and both tiles and grout are cracking. wonderful.
Instead of buying a new house, we decided to stick with this one for another 6-7 years. We'd like to invest in durable materials to get this problem nipped in the butt as soon as can be. It would also be nice if it were done as cheap as possible, but after 2 years of picking up bits of grout It needs to last and it needs to be done properly. This is why we've decided to pull all of the stops and go granite. It's crazy expensive and we would need to hire a professional to install it (add on more $$$) but looking at it from a long term perspective, It'll be worth the cost. It is very durable and resilient to anything you throw at it.
After that, all we'd have to do is paint the walls, change the hardware on the cupboards, and it'll look as good as new!! (easier said than done right?)
How did you re-finish your kitchen floors?
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